import machine import utime REG_UART0_BASE = 0x3FF40000 REG_UART1_BASE = 0x3FF50000 REG_UART2_BASE = 0x3FF6E000 REG_UART_FIFO = 0x000 # REG_UART_INT_RAW = 0x004 # REG_UART_INT_STATUS = 0x008 # REG_UART_INT_ENABLE = 0x00C # REG_UART_INT_CLEAR = 0x010 # REG_UART_CLKDIV = 0x014 # REG_UART_AUTOBAUD = 0x018 # REG_UART_STATUS = 0x01C # REG_UART_CONF0 = 0x020 # REG_UART_CONF1 = 0x024 # REG_UART_LOWPULSE = 0x028 # REG_UART_HIGHPULSE = 0x02C # REG_UART_RXD_CNT = 0x030 # REG_UART_FLOW = 0x034 # REG_UART_SLEEP = 0x038 # REG_UART_SWFC = 0x03C # REG_UART_IDLE = 0x040 # REG_UART_RS485 = 0x044 # # AT_CMD... 0x48,0x4c,0x50,0x54 REG_UART_MEM_CONF = 0x058 # REG_UART_MEM_CNT_STATUS = 0x064 # REG_UART_POSPULSE = 0x068 # REG_UART_NEGPULSE = 0x06C # # UART INT Registers Bits UI_XOFF= 10 # Software XOFF UI_XON = 9 # Software XON UITO = 8 # RX FIFO TimeOut UIBD = 7 # Break Detected UICTS = 6 # CTS Changed UIDSR = 5 # DSR Change UIOF = 4 # RX FIFO OverFlow UIFR = 3 # Frame Error UIPE = 2 # Parity Error UIFE = 1 # TX FIFO Empty UIFF = 0 # RX FIFO Full # UART CLKDIV U_CLKDIV = 0 U_CLKDIV_FRAG = 20 # UART STATUS Registers Bits USTX = 31 # TX PIN Level USRTS = 30 # RTS PIN Level USDTR = 39 # DTR PIN Level UART_ST_UTX=24 # (4b) USTXC = 16 # TX FIFO COUNT (8bit) USRXD = 15 # RX PIN Level USCTS = 14 # CTS PIN Level USDSR = 13 # DSR PIN Level UART_ST_URX_OUT=8 # (4b) USRXC = 0 # RX FIFO COUNT (8bit) # UART CONF0 UART_TICK_REF_ALWAYS_ON = 27 UCDTRI = 24 # Invert DTR UCRTSI = 23 # Invert RTS UCTXI = 22 # Invert TX UCDSRI = 21 # Invert DSR UCCTSI = 20 # Invert CTS UCRXI = 19 # Invert RX UCTXRST = 18 # Reset TX FIFO UCRXRST = 17 # Reset RX FIFO UCTXHFE = 15 # TX Harware Flow Enable UCLBE = 14 # LoopBack Enable UCBRK = 8 # Send Break on the TX line UCSWDTR = 7 # Set this bit to assert DTR UCSWRTS = 6 # Set this bit to assert RTS UCSBN = 4 # StopBits Count (2b) 0:disable, 1:1bit, 2:1.5bit, 3:2bit UCBN = 2 # DataBits Count (2b) 0:5bit, 1:6bit, 2:7bit, 3:8bit UCPAE = 1 # Parity Enable UCPA = 0 # Parity 0:even, 1:odd # UART CONF1 Registers Bits UCTOE = 31 # RX TimeOut Enable UCTOT = 24 # RX TimeOut Treshold (7bit) UCRXHFE = 23 # RX Harware Flow Enable UCRXHFT = 16 # RX Harware Flow Treshold (7bit) UCFET = 8 # TX FIFO Empty Treshold (7bit) UCFFT = 0 # RX FIFO Full Treshold (7bit) REG_GPIO_PIN_BASE = 0x3FF44088 REG_IO_MUX_GPIO16 = 0x3FF4904C REG_IO_MUX_GPIO17 = 0x3FF49050 #print(machine.mem32[REG_UART0_CONF1]>>UCFET & 0x7f) print("HELLO, WORLD!") #machine.mem32[REG_UART0_INT_ENABLE] = machine.mem32[REG_UART0_INT_ENABLE] | 1<>UIFE & 0x1) def uart2_enable(): RXD_MUX = machine.mem32[REG_IO_MUX_GPIO16] RXD_MUX &= 0b11111111111111111100011111111111 # Clear function selection RXD_MUX |= (5-1) << 12 # Set function(5) RXD_MUX |= 1 << 9 # Input enabled RXD_MUX |= 1 << 8 # Pullup enabled print(hex(RXD_MUX), bin(RXD_MUX)) machine.mem32[REG_IO_MUX_GPIO16] = RXD_MUX # Set RXD_MUX # Signal Input Output Direct-IO_MUX # 198 U2RXD_in U2TXD_out YES machine.mem32[0x3FF44130+0x4*198] = 16 | 1<<7 # SIG_IN_SEL print(machine.mem32[0x3FF44130+0x4*198]) TXD_MUX = machine.mem32[REG_IO_MUX_GPIO17] print(hex(machine.mem32[REG_IO_MUX_GPIO16])) uart2_enable() def n2uart(u): if u == 0: return REG_UART0_BASE elif u == 1: return REG_UART1_BASE elif u == 2: return REG_UART1_BASE APB_CLK=80000000 def uarttxq(u): return machine.mem32[n2uart(u)+REG_UART_STATUS]>>USTXC & 0xff #bin(machine.mem32[n2uart(2)+REG_UART_STATUS]&0x7fffffff) def uartrxq(u): return machine.mem32[n2uart(u)+REG_UART_STATUS]>>USRXC & 0xff def uartbaud(u, new=None): if new: clk_div = round((APB_CLK<<4) / new) machine.mem32[n2uart(u)+REG_UART_CLKDIV] = (clk_div >> 4) | ((clk_div & 0xf) << U_CLKDIV_FRAG) clk_reg = machine.mem32[n2uart(u)+REG_UART_CLKDIV] return (APB_CLK<<4) / (((clk_reg & 0xfffff) << 4) | ((clk_reg >> U_CLKDIV_FRAG) & 0xf)) def uartsync(u): while uarttxq(u): utime.sleep_us(8) utime.sleep_ms(10) print("U0TXQ", uarttxq(0)) print("U0RXQ", uartrxq(0)) print("U0BDR", uartbaud(0, 115200)) print("U2TXQ", uarttxq(2)) print("U2RXQ", uartrxq(2)) print("U2BDR", uartbaud(2, 9600)) """ u = machine.UART(0) gps = machine.Pin(4, mode=machine.Pin.OUT, value=0) print(u) print(dir(u)) u.write('test\n') uartsync(0) u.init(baudrate=9600, timeout=10000) gps(1) line = gps(0) uartsync(0) u.init(baudrate=115200) print(line) """